viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Week 10: Monday, November 10th to friday 14th

Activity 1: Senses “hands to touch”, students played a game with the use of modeling clay and bottles filled with small colored balls, also the teacher put some cream on the student’s hands again in order to practice the target structures  “hands to touch” and  “nose to smell”.

Sentido del tacto:
Revisamos la estructura ''hands to touch'', para ello jugamos utilizando plastilina, botellas de colores y muchas instrucciones que ellos debian seguir en la clase.

Activity 2:
Students had to identify and match boy and girl on their book page 20 also they sticked and trace boys with boys and girls with girls. Identificamos niño y niña, trabajamos en la página 20 del libro, uniendo correctamente los dibujos.

Activity 3: Students watched a video about senses and parts of the body and face. Vimos un video sobre las partes de nuestra cara y nuestro cuerpo.

Activity 4:
Homework review: Students reviewed their folders with the homework about story “Mary had a little lamb” and primary colors, also they had to attend the teacher' explanation about the next workshop for the weekend. Revisamos los talleres anteriores y los niños atendieron a las indicaciones del siguiente taller.

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