Dear Parents:
We are learning new vocabulary about professions and means of transport by singing, watching videos, reading books, coloring worksheets, power point presentartions, and practicing the sounds of the first letter words, we also are reviewing the vocabulary learned.
Estimados Papitos. Estamos aprendiendo nuevo vocabulario acerca de las profesiones y medios de transporte, a través de canciones, videos, libros, hojas de trabajo, presentaciones en power point y el reconocimiento de los sonidos con los que empiezan cada palabra,
también reforzamos el vocabulario aprendido.
Here you have the power point presentation, songs, videos and pictures about professions and means of transport.
Please practice at home/por favor repasar en casa.
SONG "I see the people in my town"
Doctor (doc-tor)
Nurse (Nours)
Hospital (jos-pi-tal )
Dentist (den-tist)
Postman (post-man) /cartero
Post office (post- ofis) Correo
Police (poliis, alargando el sonido en la i)
Police Station (polis-es-tei-shon) / estación de policía.
Police car(poliis-kar)
Pailot (pai-lot) / piloto
Aairplane (eir-plein)
Firefighter (fair-faider) / bombero
Fire station (fair-estei-shon) / Estación de bomberos
Fire truck (fair-trak)
Driver (drai-ver) / conductor
Taxi driver (taxi-drai-ver)
Bus (bas)
Bus driver (bas-drai-ver)
Train (treein)
train driver (treein-drai-ver)
Truck (trak) /camión
truck driver (trak-drai-ver)
Sailor (sei-lor) /marinero
Ship (ship) /barco